OpenShot Video Editor

Do you need to edit a video and would like a simple open-source solution? Let's introduce you to the OpenShot Video Editor! OpenShot is easy to use, quick to learn, and a surprisingly powerful video editor. Did I forget to mention it's FREE? OpenShot features include: Cross-platform - OpenShot is a cross-platform video editor, with support for Linux, Mac, and Windows. Trim & Slice - Quickly trim down your videos, and find those perfect moments. OpenShot has many easy ways to cut your video. Animation & Keyframes - Using their powerful animation framework, you can fade, slide, bounce, and animate anything in your video project. Unlimited Tracks - Add as many layers as you need for watermarks, background videos, audio tracks, and more. Video Effects - Using the video effects engine, remove the background from your video, invert the colors, adjust brightness, and more. Audio Waveforms - Visualize your audio files as waveforms, and even output the waveforms as part of you...